In order to fund the road construction activities in the Country, the Government has decided to levy toll on the newly constructed/ widened/ improved highways, which cover the entire ambit of Govt. funded projects, BOT projects and Annuity (BOT) projects.
The scope of services in this regard envelops preparation of strip plan showing rural/urban stretches, location of intersections, service roads and relevant features on national highway sections to identify location of the toll booths, determination of optimum number of service lanes duly determining the queuing time and service times and examining the possibility of provision of reversible lanes, preparation of concept design/layout of toll plaza after reviewing traffic and topographic data of the project including available right of way and developing the same into detailed design of aesthetically pleasing and sleek toll booths and roof shading, overhead lighting system, check barriers, lane controllers and overhead signage, toll office building, DG room and ancillary structures, toll collection system and other required features.
SOWiL Limited has been involved over the past five years in a big way in providing consultancy services for preparation of feasibility studies, detailed design and construction supervision of over 12 Toll Plazas on major highway projects.